Pure XL

Garden house flat roof - Simply ingenious!

The modern flat roof garden house

For those who have a lot to store, but little space:

The garden shed flat roof Garden[Q]Pure-XL is a garden shed with a flat roof that has it all. It includes numerous, individually adjustable shelving systems. You can even get bicycles and wheelbarrows stowed in its large compartments. It is particularly well suited to modern architecture.

At a size of 234 x 158 x 158 cm (L x W x H) you store 4x as much as in a walk-in tool shed.


Flat roof garden shed also for bicycles

A garden house with a flat roof - only completely different!

This model is the big brother of the Garten[Q]Pure. Access is via two, at best even three sides.

There are compartments for all your equipment. From the tools, odds and ends to garden furniture and two bicycles, you store everything under a chic flat roof.

Therefore, if possible, do not place your Garten[Q] Pure-XL directly in a corner, but simply leave about 70 cm of space to open the third side. You can find floor plans and dimensions in our information PDF.

Garden house with shelving system

The compartmentalization of the modern shed flat roof

In the tool shed with flat roof Garten[Q]Pure-XL you can store not only all conventional garden tools. In it you also get large bulky items such as one to two bicycles just as neatly stowed as your lawn mower and small parts. Above the bicycles you can also store, for example, a beer bench set or garden furniture. Everything within easy reach over two to three sides. The shelves can be adjusted individually. They use the entire air space up to under the flat roof.

Floor plans and dimensions can be found in our information PDF.

Garden house flat roof bike house

The layout variant "Shelter-5" of the design garden shed flat roof

If you want to store a lot of bulky things, you can also reduce the interior partitioning depending on your needs. This way you get a lot of free space and with the help of shelves, you can still fill your Garten[Q] up to the roof. Please write "Shelter-5" in the note when ordering. We will then supply the appropriate parts for this variant.

However, if you want to use the Garden[Q]Pure-XL as a pure bicycle garage, it is better to choose the model "Garden[Q]Various-XL". This has no floor construction and you can simply slide in the bikes or anything else.

All information, sizes and compartment divisions in the Info PDF.

Flat roof garden house pureXL

A garden house with "real" flat roof

Als Flachdach werden bei Gartenhäusern Dächer mit einer Dachneigung von 10 Grad und weniger bezeichnet. Das Garten[Q] Gartenhaus Flachdach hat keinerlei Neigung. Regenwasser läuft über die seitlichen Aluminium-Tropfkanten ab oder bleibt in geringer Menge auf dem Dach stehen und verdunstet. Aus diesem Grund ist die Dachfolie besonders hochwertig und muss auch höheren Ansprüchen gerecht werden als bei einem schrägen Dach. Das Flachdach besteht aus einer Spezial-UV-Dach- Teichfolie mit Alu-Einfassung und Tropfkante.

Good roof waterproofing is more important than other types of roofs. Therefore, the high-quality roof structure is already fully pre-assembled. The roof is laid as a complete element during construction. In any case, the Garten[Q] does not use cheap bitumen membranes, which always have to be replaced after a relatively short time.

ALTERNATIVE: The SmartRoof is a flat roof which you can design yourself, e.g. with decorative gravel. This form of flat roof has a filling height of 2.5 cm and a water drainage through the Garten[Q] interior. Simply select the SmartRoof in your configuration under Roof.

Garden house flat roof back wall

The back wall of the garden house flat roof Pure-XL

You do not need to open your Garten[Q] on one side. You can place this side against a house wall or a fence, for example.

The back wall consists of a plastic-coated multi-layer wood panel as standard. This is also robust and weather resistant.

However, if you want to set up your Garten[Q]Pure-XL freely, visible from all sides, you can order a Trespa cladding for the back at the same time. This then has the identical color and the same striped design as the doors on the other three sides.

Configure your flat roof garden house Pure-XL in our store.

Garden cabinet with bicycle shelter

BackShed - the shelter behind your garden house Pure-XL

If you have the space, you can extend your Garten[Q] with a shelter at the back. The BackShed-3 extends the roof of your Teras by 78 cm to the rear.

Your BackShed stows bulky items like garden furniture, gas grill or extra bikes. You can also conveniently store firewood or building materials. Note the sizes and clear slide-in widths in the Pure info sheet.

If you wish, you can cover the shelter with a flexibly positionable side wall. This provides even more protection for the contents. The side or rear wall can additionally be covered with a Trespa panel. Color and design automatically corresponds to your chosen Garten[Q].

The Garden[Q] BackShed is an extension of your Garden[Q]. Add it to your shopping cart when ordering. It will be delivered together with your Garten[Q] and is therefore free of shipping costs.

Garden shed flat roof combined with a trash can box

Combine your garden house with flat roof according to your needs

An important aspect of the Garten[Q] storage models is that they can be freely combined.

So you can also place your Garden[Q]Pure-XL "back to back" with a second "Pure-XL", "Teras-XL", "Various-3" or "Trash-3". Let us advise you about the possibilities.

Phone: +49 (0)89 - 244 1841-0

For more information, please refer to the info sheet.

When buying more than one Garten[Q] model you always get 5% discount on everything! Excluded are only the shipping costs.

Garden shed bike

This is what distinguishes the garden house flat roof Pure-XL:

Garden house flat roof has a lot of positive features and advantages: Due to its special roof film coating, it is durable, maintenance-free and a safe protection against the weather.

However, an important aspect of our modern garden house with flat roof is also the special architectural value with high design freedom. By using a flat roof, the cubic garden house shape is fully achieved, which is why the Garten[Q] fits very well with modern architecture or modern gardens. Therefore, the flat roof is particularly suitable for Garten[Q] products.

By the way, thanks to the materials used, such as aluminum and HPL Trespa-Meteon, your garden[Q]Pure-XL is completely maintenance-free!

You can find more information about the garden house with flat roof here in the Garden[Q]Pure >> info sheet.


Stellen Sie sich doch einmal probeweise einen Garten[Q] in Ihren Garten. Jeder, mit einem Smartphone, kann es gerne ausprobieren. Einfach auf "IM RAUM ANSEHEN" klicken und schon sehen Sie durch Ihre Handy- oder Tablet-Kamera einen Garten[Q] vor sich stehen.


Here are a few special garden house with flat roof features at a glance:

  • 4 x more storage space than in a comparably sized garden shed
  • Wide range of colors
  • More order
  • Perfect use of space
  • Top quality "made in Germany
  • Maintenance-free
  • Mostly no building permit required
  • Solid ground is enough for the foundation
  • Easy assembly and disassembly

>> You can find all information in our Info-PDF


You can find many more photos in our >> customer gallery

Footprint approx. 234 cm x 158 cm (L x W)
Total height ca. 158 cm
Maximum compartment height approx. 150 cm
7 pcs. Doors made of Trespa Meteon (HPL, thickness 8 mm) or ESG safety glass (8 mm)
Maintenance-free, vandalism-proof, lightfast (according to manufacturer's specifications)
5 standard colors and over 100 other colors and decors, as well as glass in white
Design Wide or narrow stripe design
Roof construction
Special UV roofing film with aluminum edging and drip edge
Floor construction Plastic coated multilayer wood top with six height adjustable feet
Back wall Plastic coated multilayer wooden panel. Trespa cladding on request at extra cost.
Substrate Solid, level substrate. (e.g. concrete slabs)
Interior Plastic-coated multilayer wood panels. Very robust and durable. Can be reordered at any time.
Lawn mower Yes (width up to approx. 68 cm, length up to approx. 150 cm) Building permit free Mostly yes (depending on municipality and installation site) Lockable With padlock or combination lock. On request also with cylinder lock. Empty weight approx. 460 kg Delivery On disposable pallet, completely "pre-assembled" in parts: Roof and floor complete and doors already mounted on frame. Structure Easy self assembly in 5 - 7 hrs or on-site assembly service. 3 persons recommended. Largest kit part Roof / floor construction 158 cm x 234 cm Dismantling / Reconstruction / Relocation Problem free possible Warranty 10 years Delivery time Standard colors 4 -6 weeks, special colors 6 - 8 weeks, decors and metallic 8 - 9 weeks Purchase price From 5.890,- € plus shipping

Quality garden shed garden cabinet trash box shelter seal


garden cabinet-quality.jpg

Garden house flat roof modern made in Germany

All maintenance-free models are manufactured in Bavaria by a special carpenter's workshop. They are made exclusively from the highest quality maintenance-free materials. Built by hand from Trespa (HPL), metal (stainless steel and aluminum) and plastic-coated multi-layer wood panels.

The exterior walls are mostly made of "Trespa Meteon". This is an HPL (high pressure laminate) that is ideal for outdoor use. Please read: >> the Trespa Meteon info brochure

Inside, the modern garden shed flat roof Garten[Q]Pure-XL is made of plastic-coated screen-printed panels. These are characterized by their extraordinary robustness. There it does not matter even if something is put inside damp or dirty. The panels are easy to wipe and very stable!

With a Garten[Q] you choose an extremely high quality product and get 10 years warranty.

>> Pictures from our Garten[Q] production


The info sheet

Learn everything about this Garten[Q] model. We have packed all the floor plans, variants and everything you need to know into this PDF. You can save it or print it out conveniently.
Download the Info PDF

Garten[Q] Catalog

Get an overview of our offer. Garden houses, garden cabinets, shelters, bicycle garages, garbage can boxes.
Garten[Q] Catalog (5MB)

Planning aid

"Tinker" your solution.
The Easy :: planning aid helps you
visualize the right Garten[Q] size and the
opening options.

Planning sheet as PDF

Youtube videos

Garden houses with flat roof for any environment

5 standard colors, 2 different stripe designs, glass and over 100 other colors and decors

Garden house white


Pure White A05.0.0

Strip wide

Garden house gray


Mid Grey A21.5.1

Strip wide

Garden house anthracite


Anthracite Grey A25.8.1

Stripe Wide

Garden house red


Carmine Red A12.3.7

Strip wide

Garden house Lime-green


Lime Green A37.0.8

Strip wide

Garden shed 'Safety glass


Safety glass

White / Stripe wide

Garden house metal


Metal Grey A25.8.1

Stripes narrow

More colors


Color palette

More colors

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