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Dear Garten[Q] explorer, here you will find a collection of Garten[Q] :: solutions that may also provide inspiration for you. We thank all our customers and the construction service for sending us these photos. Be inspired and feel free to contact us if you have any questions. Your Garten[Q] :: Team

Garden cabinets / garden houses / garbage boxes and shelters

Excerpts from customer projects.


Press report on the subject of garden house and garden cabinet

Munich, Jan. 27, 2022 - Creating storage space - this is a challenge for living indoors just as much as outdoors. The days of fetching the barbecue, seat cushions and garden tools from the garage or a garden shed are over. All that is needed for outdoor living should always be at hand. Stylish garden cabinets with flexible space division are a MUST. The modular garden cabinets from Garten-Q( are not only an optical "highlight", but also a real space miracle. The patented storage space concept ensures access from a maximum of three outer sides to the garden utensils, so you not only keep more order, but can also store four times more than in a comparable cabinet. The weatherproof garden cabinets from Garten-Q are available in various designs and in over 120 colors and decors starting at 2,990 euros (RRP).

Order in the garden shed

Spring is just around the corner. We spend every free minute in the garden - cutting back shrubs and trees, planting the flower pots, cleaning the pond or preparing the terrace. Summer and winter alike, our garden is a retreat for the whole family. Often the garden paradise has only a few square meters. Where to put the gas grill, lawn mower, hedge trimmer, etc.? There is no room for a garden shed. Often it is time to redefine old tried and tested things. A flexibly divisible garden cabinet with multiple uses is the ideal solution.  

One Garten[Q] replaces a whole garden house

Big and clunky was yesterday - many garden cabinets look chic at first glance, but in practice are often very unfavorably divided, high-maintenance and not weatherproof. "Lots of storage space in a small space" is the motto of Garten-Q. Whether square or rectangular, small or large - the Munich-based specialists combine quality with design, convenience and functionality in their modular garden cabinets. Multi-directional access to stored utensils and a flexible shelving system are the hallmarks of the garden cabinets, which feature a unique cubic design.

The modular garden house

The gardens and roof terraces are as different as their owners - Garden-Q knows that too. Therefore, everyone can compile and commission their garden storage room according to their own needs and requirements themselves on the homepage with the help of an online configurator. These are manufactured afterwards in a Bavarian carpenter's workshop with most modern technology after highest quality requirements. In addition to different sizes, models and Funktonen can optionally, for example, access to the garden tools, potting soil & Co. from one, two or three outer sides. Each model is available with a high-quality flat roof covering, with a wide aluminum frame and water drainage on all four sides. But a green roof with a planting depth of 9 cm is also possible.

The modern garden cabinets are made of weather-resistant material and can be delivered in over 120 different colors and decors. For example, the cabinet doors are made of high-quality HPL (High Pressure Laminates) of the brand Trespa, which has a non-porous surface and therefore hardly gets dirty. Alternatively, the doors can also be made of a very stable ESG glass, which is matt printed on the inside. Each cabinet has either a wide or narrow stripe design. For this purpose, the HPL panels are subjected to careful fillet milling to prevent moisture or dirt from getting into the cabinet later.

Garden cabinet TERAS - small but mighty

With "dream dimensions" of just 158 x 80 x 158 cm (W x D x H), the TERAS model is the smallest garden cabinet, but also the most compact. It is particularly suitable for small terraced gardens or roof terraces. It can be ideally placed against a wall or garden fence. It should be noted that to open the doors, you need a space of 70 cm. Anchoring or a poured foundation are not necessary - a solid level surface is sufficient. The garden cabinet has four adjustable feet, which, if necessary, compensate for an unevenness of the ground up to 5 cm tolerance.

"If the garden cabinet TERAS is not only to serve as a practical storage space, but at the same time as a privacy screen to protect against unwanted views, a roof greening, for example, with herbs is recommended," emphasizes Markus Scholz, Managing Director of Garten-Q GmbH. "Depending on whether a floor plinth is also desired, the cabinet increases to 170 or 180 cm." Also a roof extension as a shelter for bicycles, grill or firewood is possible with the TERAS.

Press report on the subject of dustbin box / dustbin house

Munich, May 11, 2022 - Waste separation has been mandatory in Germany since 2015. Yellow, blue, brown and black trash cans often stand in the front yard or driveway. Many house and property owners counteract the disturbing sight of the trash can collection with an enclosure. But not all garbage can boxes are the same. Most models do not exactly convince with a stylish design and disappoint however with functionality and durability. Modular and flexibly stows the modern garbage can box TRASH of Garten[Q] ( from one, to four and more tons to 240 liters. They can be combined at will, set up in row or over corner as well as equipped with a roof greening and a bicycle shelter. The highlight: an integrated parcel box, mailbox with bell system and even a bicycle shelter are also possible. Individuality, comfort, and sustainability are the top priorities at Garten[Q] .    

Trash can boxes are in vogue

Separating waste into glass, paper, recyclables and organic waste makes a lot of sense. Depending on the municipality, there are different colored garbage cans, which frankly speaking, are not a nice sight on a well-kept property. A trash can cover is the ideal solution when it comes to creating more order and structure on the property. However, they are more than just a stylish enclosure - among other things, they protect the garbage cans from the weather, prevent unauthorized access by strangers and especially prevent the formation of unpleasant odors. Because where there is a stench, vermin is usually not far away.

Trash cans simply design away!

Trash can enclosure TRASH is the perfect solution for all home and property owners who care about design and functional accommodation of their trash cans. Due to the cubic design and individual color and functional equipment, they are often a real design element in front of the house. Indeed, the TRASH trash can box can not only perfectly fit into the line of architecture, but also set color accents in the garden design and perform "tasks".

Trash can box TRASH - modular and flexible

No two properties are alike. Even the types, sizes and colors of trash cans differ from state to state. That's why Garten[Q] TRASH is available for all common trash can sizes from single-family homes to trash containers for apartment complexes. Depending on your needs, the modular trash boxes can accommodate any number of garbage cans - even if they have different fill volumes. The footprint of a TRASH module is 80 x 80 cm. Since the wheelbase of the 240-liter garbage cans in particular varies, the 2-bin module offers the option of dispensing with the center post in favor of easier handling of the garbage cans and equipping it with a double door.

 The height is also selectable - the TRASH modules are available in heights of 120 cm and 158 cm (always stow garbage cans up to 240 liters). At 120 cm height, the barrel is tilted into a chain. All TRASH modules can be placed in any order in a row or around a corner. The 158 cm high trash can boxes can even be combined with all other Garten[Q] garden cabinets.

Garten[Q] TRASH - multi-page access with smart additional options

All TRASH models have additional access from the sides, which can provide interesting additional options. Behind the left or right side door, for example, a throw-in hatch can be provided for trash bags (e.g. yellow sack). A parcel box is also possible - which is a great additional function in times of increasing internet orders.

A distinction is made between a "parcel shelf" above a trash can or a "parcel box", which has a shelf system behind its own door. On request, the door is provided with a milling PAKETE. But also a laterally integrated mailbox of the renowned brand Radius in stainless steel design with or without porthole is possible. In the case of apartment buildings, a mailbox and bell system is often integrated.

Garbage can houses - exceptionally diverse

The wishes and requirements for a trash can enclosure are as varied as the properties and real estate themselves. One or the other would like to accommodate the bicycles, the barbecue or the firewood in addition to the trash cans. Each TRASH module can be equipped with a roof extension, which can be either 78 cm or 154 cm wide and have a rear and side wall.

Generally, all garbage can houses have a high-quality covered flat roof, which is framed with a sturdy aluminum frame. If desired, a green roof for planting, for example, with Mediterranean-scented flowers or herbs is possible. The raised bed raises the TRASH by approx. 12 cm and has a planting depth of approx. 10 cm. A downpipe drains excess water down through the interior. The fascia color of the greening module can be selected. The SmartRoof for the Trash garbage can house is new.

Trash box TRASH - diversity meets quality and sustainability

Modern TRASH garbage can boxes are made of weather-resistant materials - the frame construction is made of aluminum. The doors, for example, are made of high-quality HPL (High Pressure Laminates) of the brand Trespa, which has a non-porous surface and thus hardly gets dirty. Alternatively, they can also be made of a very stable ESG glass, which is matt printed on the inside. Each TRASH module has either a narrow or wide stripe design. For this purpose, the HPL panels are subjected to careful cove milling to prevent moisture or dirt from getting into the garbage can box later. The non-visible sides are made of brown plastic-coated wooden panels, but on request they can also be made of HPL Trespa, which is available in over 120 different colors and decors.

"We recommend that the aluminum frame be screwed to level laid floor slabs for stability reasons," says Markus Scholz, managing director of Garten-Q GmbH. "For adequate ventilation and moisture drainage, the 7 cm gap between the floor and the bottom edges of the door or side walls."

Pressebericht zum Thema "nicht begehbare Gartenhäuser"

Voll im Trend: nichtbegehbare Gartenhäuser

München, den 11.04.2024

Geräteschuppen – auf den zweiten Blick unpraktisch

Wer einen Garten hat, muss sich gewöhnlich überlegen, wo er die Gartenutensilien aufbewahrt - im Keller, in der Garage, unter dem Carport oder einfach im Garten. Als fleißiger Hobbygärtner sammeln sich im Laufe der Zeit Blumentöpfe, Schalen, Harken, Schaufeln und dergleichen an. Schnell verliert man den Überblick, wenn alles an unterschiedlichen Plätzen lagert. Viele Gartenbesitzer benutzen ein Gartenhaus als reinen Geräteschuppen, den sie in einer abgelegenen Ecke aufstellen.

Die Gartenutensilien werden häufig trotz Regale und Hängevorrichtungen einfach in den Geräteschuppen geworfen. Über die mögliche Verletzungsfahr, die von langstieligen Gartengeräten ausgeht, macht sich dabei keiner Gedanken. Wenn am Wochenende die Gartenarbeit ansteht, wird oftmals schon am Frühstückstisch diskutiert, wer das Gartenhaus aufräumt. Denn nicht selten muss das halbe Gartenhaus ausgeräumt werden, um beispielsweise an den angebrochen Sack Blumenerde oder Dünger zu kommen.  

Garten[Q] - Stauraum mit Konzept 

Um die Unordnung in einem Gartenhaus in den Griff zu bekommen, hat Garten-Q das nichtbegehbare Gartenhaus erfunden. Was zuerst befremdlich wirkt, zeigt sich bei kurzer Betrachtung als absolut sinnvoll und logisch. Wer benutzt – gerade in kleinen Gärten – seinen Geräteschuppen zum Unterstellen bei Regen oder als Lesezimmer im Grünen? Eigentlich möchte man nur schnell die Gartenutensilien einlagern und ohne großes Herumräumen wieder griffbereit haben.

Bei der Entwicklung der modularen Gartenschränke verfolgte Garten[Q]das Motto: „Viel Stauraum auf wenig Platz“. Die stylischen Gartenschränke vereinen modernes Design mit größtmöglicher Funktionalität und witterungsbeständigen Materialien. Sie sind bis ins kleinste Detail durchdacht und gewährleisten den Zugriff von maximal drei Außenseiten. Die Gartenschränke sind für ordnungsliebende Gartenbesitzer entworfen, die klare Linien und Individualität fernab von festgefahrenen Denkschemen lieben.

Garten[Q]-PURE – ein echtes Raumwunder für Design-Liebhaber

Mit einer Kantenlänge von nur 158 cm (B x T x H) ist der Garten[Q]-PURE ein kleines Gartenhaus mit komplexer Inneneinteilung, das ein absolutes Highlight in jedem Garten darstellt. Die preisgekrönte Gartenhaus-Alternative ist schick, kompakt und flexibel zugleich. Es ist durch sein patentiertes Stauraumkonzept viermal aufnahmefähiger, als ein vergleichbar großes Gartenhaus. Man greift von zwei bis drei Seiten in verschieden tiefe Regalsysteme und entnimmt direkt den gewünschten Inhalt. Die vertikale Fachaufteilung ist aus statischen und Platzgründen fix. Durch die „Nichtbegehbarkeit“ kann man über alle eingelagerten Dinge beliebig Fachböden setzen und so bis unter das Dach Gartenutensilien strukturiert einlagern – jeder Kubikzentimeter Stauraum wird praktisch genutzt.

Für alle, die viel zu verstauen haben, gibt es beispielsweise in einem Garten[Q]-PURE XL, der über eine Breite von 234 cm verfügt, eine Werkzeugwand, ein Regal für Blumentöpfe und Kleinkram sowie ein großes Fach für Rasenmäher, Grill und Fahrräder.

Damit das Garten[Q]-Prinzip funktioniert, sollte man von mindestens zwei Seiten in den Gartenschrank greifen können – optimal von drei Seiten. Eine bis zwei Seiten können an einer Wand oder Zaun stehen. Es ist darauf zu achten, dass zum Öffnen der Tür ein Platzbedarf von 70 cm benötigt wird.

Garten[Q]-PURE – Flexibilität ist Trumpf Das Modell PURE besteht aus witterungsbeständigem Material und kann neben den fünf Standardfarben Pure White, Mid Grey, Anthrazite Grey, Carmine Red und Lime Green auch in über 120 verschiedenen Farben, Holz, Natural und Metallic Dekors ausgeliefert werden. Die Schranktüren sind beispielsweise aus hochwertigem HPL (High Pressure Laminates) der Marke Trespa, dass über eine porenfreie Oberfläche verfügt und somit kaum verschmutzt. Jeder Schrank verfügt wahlweise über ein breites bzw. schmales Streifendesign. Die HPL-Platten werden dafür einer sorgfältigen Hohlkehlen-Fräsung unterzogen, damit später keine Feuchtigkeit oder Schmutz in den Schrank gelangt. Der vormontierte Gartenschrank PURE wird mit modernster Technik und traditioneller Handwerkskunst in einer bayrischen Schreinerei gefertigt.